Yes, There is NO Other Child Behavior Analysis like it. It is built upon Nobel Nominee Dr. Robert S. Hartman's and his most creative graduate student Dr. Wayne Carpenter, ABD's research into self-valuations that drive how the child values themself and those valuations translate and contribute into HOW they interact and show those feelings to the other people (parents, friends, teachers, etc.) who populate the world they live in.
How did we do it?
We took the child's "WHO DO I BELIEVE I AM or "WHO DO I SEE IN THE MIRROR" measures and incorporated them into the World class DISC personality and communication analysis. We know these scores are reliable as we have successfully delivered them into the global corporate world for over 25 years.
We spent nearly two years translating the scientific DISC personality and communication measures into easy to understand 'KIDS SPEAK" so we could present these sometimes confusing but amazingly accurate scientific insights in a way the child could easily understand and REALLY USE to improve the quality of their life.
The DISC COMMUNICATION REPORT has been used over 65,000,000 million times with near 90% accuracy. Thanks to Kids Speak, we know it will connect with your child in a way they will understand. And please don't forget that you will receive the complementary 24 page Parent's companion report that will provide you with communication insights customized just for your child.
Let 50 years of human behavior science do the hard work for you. What you will learn here will make a positive difference in the relationship you can have with your child.
This report is unique in all the world. It melds the Nobel Nominee, Dr. Robert S. Hartman's research into how your child VALUES themself i.e. Current Self-Esteem, Current Satisfaction with their Home and School life and their Confidence in a successful and happy Future. We've combined and melded these "HOW DO I VALUE MYSELF measures with the world class DISC communication tool that provides the Keys to More Effective Communication with Parents, Friends, Teachers and Schoolmates.
Think about it. Wouldn't you have wanted to know your innate talents and strengths? Wouldn't you have wanted a respected authority to have told you and showed you in black and white that you were in fact, a UNIQUE AND VALUABLE HUMAN BEING WHO HAD TALENTS AND ABILITIES YOU MAY NOT HAVE KNOWN AS A YOUNG CHILD? And wouldn't you have wanted to know HOW to communicate with your parents or guardian, your friends and teachers in a MORE effective way? The DISC for KIDS PLUS report gives you all of this and more.
It may be the best gift your will EVER give your child! And by the way, YOU will receive a 24 page companion PARENT"S REPORT that will give you the insights into YOUR child. No need to spend years trying different tactics to connect and support your child. The answers are here and they are written in "Kid's Speak" so they are easy to grasp and implement.
Virtually ALL Parents want their first child to be PERFECT! Because you are the primary source of ALL of their survival knowledge i.e., "look before you cross the street, don't touch the stovetop, don't taste the cleaning products, don't hit your sister etc." They rely upon you for their very survival. BECAUSE THEY CONSIDER YOU AS THE SOURCE OF ALL KNOWLEDGE,GUIDANCE AND PROTECTION...when you communicate something to them, their past experience tells them that it MUST be right. After all, from their perspective, you ARE the primary source of guiding influence and survival in their life.
Now, we are NOT talking about the parental safety obligations like "let's fasten your seatbelt. don't run on the stairs, be careful not to slip in the bathtub, don't play with matches, don't dart out into the street etc. These are Parental 101 obligations. However, those types of personal safety issues aside, if you continually send your child the "YOU WERE WRONG COMMUNICATIONS" that say "You did not do that right, you should have known better, WHY did you do that? sends a crushing blow to their fragile egos. Remember, your child is trying to find out WHO they are. Since you are their primary care giver, what and HOW you guide them plays the primary role in helping them discover the "WHO AM I INSIGHTS?"
We believe you want your child to become a productive and contributing adult, so consider seasoning your guidance with dash of love rather than CONDEMING it by peppering them with negative input. Of course, you need to correct your child's behavior when they act out - However, every correction should include a solution! We (kids included) get angry when we don't know what else to do! Ask your child WHY they got so angry. Repeat their answer back to them using their words, and then point out the consequences of their angry reaction and suggest an alternative behavior. Ask them to repeat the suggested alternate solution back to you.
The DISC for KIDS PLUS report was written in a nurturing manner to show your child that they have Value, have Talent and WILL have a Place in the world. It tells them that there are NO PERFECT PEOPLE!!! Because you want the best for your child, the message gets garbled, and they think you are expecting them to be PERFECT. We tell them that they can adjust their expectations to focus on IMPROVEMENT and NOT PERFECTION. There are NO PERFECT people and pursing perfection is a guaranteed recipe for frustration. However, IMPROVEMENT is attainable and can be accomplished frequently. Help your child remove the burden of needing to be perfect. It will change both of your lives for the better.
It was written to assist you with understanding what is driving your child's behavior AND how you communicate your guidance to them in the MOST effective way. Unfortunately, kids don't come with a user's manual. This report will give you many of those answers.
Since your child was old enough to sit up, they likely watched cartoons on TV. They saw smiley, happy children with lots of friends who presented the very powerful subliminal message that they were so happy and carefree because they were eating a certain cereal or wearing a certain shoe or had a certain cell phone...and your child could be just like them IF THEY HAD THE SAME ITEM OR PRODUCT THAT THE AD WAS FEATURING. And of course, the whole ad was targeting that you should Buy that item for them featured in the ad because they wanted to be happy like the kids in the ad.
The advertisers know exactly how to communicate with their target audience!
The message can be commonly misunderstood by the child because it can make them feel "LESS THAN" the beautiful kids depicted in the ad and their self-esteem takes a hit. The ONLY purpose of advertising is to convince the viewer that IF they want to be like the super happy kids, or the star athlete or beautiful spokes people, they should ask you to buy the magical product being shown.
And then your child got a cell phone and were introduced to social media. Social media began in 2004. As you are well aware, all of the posts are not nurturing and supportive. They can bombard your child with comparative pictures and text that cause the child again to come to believe they are "less than" those shown in the communication so often delivered via social media. Or they begin to believe that the negative hurtful messages are the way they SHOULD BECOME! Yup, that's often how modern monsters can appear.
The DISC for Kids PLUS report was designed to counter this "You're NOT good enough" messaging. Based upon the child's innate strengths (EVERYONE has strengths that work for them, and EVERYONE has limitations). DISC for Kids PLUS can measure and presents your child's unique strengths and how to use them and also, their unique limitations and how to mitigate their influence.
We are not saying that this is the ONLY answer, but it IS a very good one. It may be the very finest gift you will EVER give your child. They will learn to recognize the communication keys needed to connect with others. There are really only 4 different communication styles. They will learn to identify and then adjust their communication to resonate with each style. Your Parents report will enable you to learn those same Keys to Communication along with the specific tactics showing you exactly HOW to connect and communicate with your child.
Let us know if there's anything we can help you with. We'll be glad to contact you back as soon as possible!